s.o.u.l. 360 Life Coaching

It’s not just about the best tools. It’s about your daily actions.

The s.o.u.l. 360 Life Coaching Program is for you if:

  • Your budget has yet to be successful because you need help to control your spending.

  • You can’t seem to get everything done because you don’t have control of your time.

  • You are dealing with chronic stress, and it’s taking a toll on all aspects of life.

Envision a life free from starting and quitting your goals, where all aspects of your life are in harmony. The s.o.u.l. 360 Life Coaching Program can help you regain this balance.


  • 1:1 Zoom calls: introduction, goal setting, and monthly follow-up calls.

  • Assistance with creating SMARTER goals and establishing new habits.

  • Weekly accountability check-ins.

  • Unlimited access to coach via Voxer and email.

Duration: 12 weeks

Cost: $500

What does a sample plan look like?

  • Initial Call (60 minutes)

    Purpose: Introduce the program, set expectations, and understand your needs.

    - Discuss current challenges and goals.

    - Explain the chosen coaching system (YNAB, Full Focus Planner, or Precision Nutrition).

    - Schedule the deep dive call.

  • Deep Dive Call (60-90 minutes)

    Purpose: Develop a personalized plan and provide detailed guidance on your chosen system.

    - YNAB: Set up budgeting categories, link accounts, and create an initial budget.

    - Full Focus Planner: Identify key goals, set up the planner, and outline the first set of daily tasks.

    - Precision Nutrition: Analyze current lifestyle, set specific stress and sleep improvement goals, and develop a tailored plan.

  • Implementation and Support

    Purpose: Begin implementing the plan with ongoing support.

    -You start using whichever system you select during our call.

    - Regular check-ins via asynchronous support (email, messaging).

  • Monthly Check-in 1

    Purpose: Review progress, address challenges, and make necessary adjustments.

    - YNAB: Review the budget, discuss spending habits, and adjust categories.

    - Full Focus Planner: Evaluate progress on goals, adjust daily tasks, and set new short-term objectives.

    - Precision Nutrition: Assess changes in stress and sleep patterns, adjust the plan, and introduce new strategies if needed.

  • Continued Implementation and Support

    Purpose: Maintain momentum and provide ongoing guidance.

    - Progress updates via asynchronous support.

    - Additional resources and tips provided as needed.

  • Monthly Check-in 2

    Purpose: Further review and fine-tune the plan.

    - YNAB: Analyze financial progress, address any overspending, and refine budgeting strategies.

    - Full Focus Planner: Check goal milestones, reassess priorities, and tweak the planning process.

    - Precision Nutrition: Monitor improvements in stress and sleep, introduce advanced techniques, and refine lifestyle changes.

  • Final Implementation and Support Call (60 minutes)

    Purpose: Ensure sustainable progress and prepare for independent use of the system. Reflect on progress, celebrate achievements, and plan for the future.

    - Continued weekly updates and support.

    - YNAB: Review overall financial health and ensure confidence in independent budgeting.

    - Full Focus Planner: Celebrate goal completions and provide tips for ongoing goal setting and attainment.

    - Precision Nutrition: Summarize improvements, solidify new habits, and provide long-term stress and sleep management strategies.

What is a Life Coach, and how am I qualified to help you?

What is a Life Coach?

A Life Coach is a professional dedicated to helping individuals set and achieve their personal and professional goals. Whether you are looking to improve your career, health, relationships, or overall well-being, a life coach provides the guidance, support, and accountability you need to make lasting changes. Unlike therapists or counselors who may focus on diagnosing and treating mental health issues, life coaches focus on the present and future, helping clients create actionable plans to achieve their dreams.

Why Choose Me as Your Life Coach?

Choosing the right life coach is crucial for your success, and my unique qualifications and extensive experience make me an exceptional choice. Here’s why:

1. Extensive Experience in Helping People Achieve Goals:

- With over thirty years as a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist, I have dedicated my career to helping individuals overcome communication and health-related challenges. My extensive experience in this field means I understand the intricacies of personal development and the strategies needed for effective change.

2. Comprehensive Training and Certifications:

- Behavior Change Specialist: I am trained in understanding the psychology of behavior change, ensuring I can help you develop and stick to new, healthy habits.

- You Need a Budget: Financial well-being is a crucial aspect of a balanced life. My certification in this area allows me to guide you in managing your finances effectively, reducing stress, and achieving financial goals.

- Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery: Good sleep and stress management are foundational to overall health. I provide strategies and support to improve these areas, leading to better performance and well-being.

- Health Coaching and Personal Training: As a certified health coach and personal trainer, I offer holistic guidance on physical health, fitness, and nutrition, ensuring you are physically prepared to meet life’s challenges.

- Precision Nutrition: My nutrition certification enables me to provide expert advice on dietary choices that support your goals, whether they are related to weight management, energy levels, or overall health.

What to Expect from Our Coaching Sessions

In our sessions, you will experience a supportive, non-judgmental environment where you can explore your goals and aspirations. We will work together to create a customized action plan tailored to your unique needs and circumstances. My holistic approach addresses all aspects of your life to ensure balanced and sustainable progress.

Start Your Journey Today

Are you ready to take the next step toward achieving your dreams? With my extensive background and holistic approach, I am here to support you every step of the way. Let’s work together to unlock your full potential and create the life you’ve always envisioned. Contact me today to schedule your first session and start your journey to a more balanced you.